Nema rezultata.
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Prazna korpa
15 Artikala
2570.90 KM
Prikaz 1–12 od 96 rezultata
Xiaomi Mi 16u1 šarafciger, 8 dvostranih dodataka, magnetsko spremište u ručki šarafcigera
Mi Body Smart Vaga 2;up to150kg;BT 5.0;13 measurable features ;
Xiaomi Mi – HEPA filter, za 2H/3H/PRO/3C modele, filter sa aktivnim ugljem, filtrira čestice do 3 mikrona uz efikasnost od 99.97%; bijeli
Xiaomi Mi kuhalo za vodu, 1.5 lit, 1800W
Silicon Power SSD 256GB 2.5”,SATA3,A55,550MB/s read,450MB/s write
Size: 210 x 146 x 8.7 mm , Active area:152.0 x 95.0 mm, Weight: 250g, Pen: (LP-190K), Pen pressure levels: 2048, Resolution: 2540 lpi, Multi-touch: No, Reading Speed (Pen) 133…
Heating Temperature: Can be heated to 65°, Rated Power: 48W, Power Supply Mode: Cigarette lighter head, Operating Voltage: 12V for car/220 for household
Xiaomi fontana za kućne ljubimce, kapacitet 2 litra
Size: 277 x 189 x 8.7 mm / 10.9 x 7.4 x 0.3 in, Active area: 216.0 x 135.0 mm, Weight: 432g, Pen: (LP-190K), Pen pressure levels: 2048, Resolution: 2540…
Size: 200 x 160 x 8.8 mm / 7.87 x 6.3 x 0.35 in, Active area: 152.0 x 95.0 mm (6.0 x 3.7 in), Weight: 230g (8.1 oz), Pen: Wacom…
Nastavite sa kupnjom
Imate 15 artikala u vašoj korpi
1x Multipraktik BOSCH; MC812W620
358,05 KM
2x Procesor Intel Core i3-10105
508,20 KM
1x Monitor DELL S-series SE2222H 22", SE2222H-09
226,95 KM
1x Processor Intel Core i3-10100 BX8070110100
242,65 KM
1x ROWENTA Filter ZR904301
30,70 KM
1x Monitor Dell S-series SE2722H 27" SE2722H-56
262,55 KM
2x Monitor LG 21,5" 22MR410-B FHD 100HzVA
413,90 KM
2x PHILIPS Filter FY344630
125,00 KM
1x PHILIPS Citruseta HR2744
68,85 KM
2x Toster VIVAX HOME TS-7501 WHS
75,70 KM
1x Monitor Dell 24 - SE2425H
248,35 KM